
Updates to the Pottery Gallery

I have added a new batch of pots to my portfolio in the Pottery Galery. These will likely trickle out via Instagram, as well. The one in the banner photo was particularly photogenic. It uses a couple of my favorite techniques.

  • There’s the chattering texture that I created using a tool I made with a hacksaw blade following this method. It was very easy to do and is a great use for old blades.
  • I really like the decorated bottom of this cup. It’s completley unnecessary, but is a nice way to make something that is handmade more special than it would be from a store. It’s a pleasant surprise for people.
  • The blue terra sigillata combined with a copper carbonate patina gives a super rich blue on the textured sides of the cup.
  • Contrasting the super warm Orange Street glaze around the rim of this cup against the two blues (interior and sides) came out even better than I expected.

Ok, I like this little cup.