About 40 New Things

maker, baker, dad

What is this?

Mostly, my free time goes to pottery these days, but sometime I make pottery tools, electronics, knitted items, costumes, and various foods for fun. My plan is that this platform will strictly be for sharing new things that I make and new experiences that I have.

Hat is way to big.

Big Hat Fail

Forty New Things?

When he turned forty, a good friend of mine decided that he was going to do forty things during the next year that he’d never done before. I liked what he was doing and when I turned forty, shortly after this, I unabashedly stole his idea and embarked on my own list of forty things. I quickly realized that it was going to be tough for me to work in forty brand new experiences, working around work and family. I figure that this is my list of things and my rules, so I’ve given myself the rest of my forties to work this out.

I’m documenting some of those things here. Some of them will never be documented anywhere, including my list of things.

Website Acknowledgements

This website was built with Hugo

Visuals are from the HTML5 UP theme, Future Imperfect, which was in turn a ported to the Hugo theme hugo-future-imperfect